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North Korean Websites and Propaganda

Air Koryo and Friend

Researchers have discovered North Korean websites such as Air Koryo, the country's national airline, and Friend, a social media platform similar to Facebook. These websites provide insight into the secretive nation and its propaganda efforts.

Air Koryo

Air Koryo's website features information on flight schedules, fares, and destinations. The site is designed to promote the airline and attract international visitors to North Korea. However, it also includes propaganda elements, such as images of the country's leader, Kim Jong-un, and slogans praising the regime.


Friend is a social media platform that is popular in North Korea. The site allows users to share news, photos, and videos. It is also used to disseminate government propaganda and promote the country's culture and values. Friend is closely monitored by the government, and users who post content that is deemed inappropriate may be punished.

Military Propaganda

North Korea's military is also known for its propaganda efforts. The country's state-run media regularly releases videos and images of its military exercises and weapons systems. These propaganda pieces are designed to intimidate potential enemies and glorify the country's military strength.

One recent example of North Korean military propaganda is a video released by the country's state media that shows the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. The video is intended to demonstrate the country's growing nuclear capabilities and to send a message to the world that North Korea is a force to be reckoned with.


North Korean websites and propaganda provide insight into the secretive nation and its efforts to control information and promote its ideology. These websites and propaganda pieces are carefully crafted to create a positive image of the country and its government, while downplaying its human rights abuses and other negative aspects.
